Consumer orientation is communication with consumers that supports their understanding of and ability to participate in the interpreted interaction.
Here are a few resources on consumer orientation for interpreters, students, and instructors. See below for examples of consumer orientation as well as suggested activities.
Want to learn more about consumer orientation? Check out this self-paced online course from The Insightful Interpreter!
Consumer Orientation Sample 1
This is an example of consumer orientation as it might be conducted in person by a Deaf interpreter who has 3-5 minutes or longer to share information from the FEI model.
Video courtesy of Terry Dockter.
Consumer Orientation Sample 2
This is an example of consumer orientation as it might be conducted in person by an interpreter who has less than 30 seconds to share information from the FEI model.
Consumer Orientation Sample 3
This is an example of how consumer orientation might be conducted separate from the interpreted interaction.
Video courtesy of Anna Mansell Karagiannis
Consumer Orientation Sample 4
This is a real-life example of consumer orientation conducted by a protest leader in Seattle, Washington. This situation involved a Deaf interpreter on a platform and a hearing feed interpreter standing in the crowd. When crowd members start shouting at the feed interpreter to "Sit down!" one of the protest leaders uses consumer orientation to explain what is happening and what the expectations are.
Consumer Orientation Sample 5
This is a real-life example of event hosts providing consumer orientation. They describe the accessibility features of this virtual fundraiser, including the Deaf/hearing interpreter team.
Video courtesy of Disability Rights Washington.
Consumer Orientation Sample 6: Infographic
This infographic was developed by Cat Pearce, a Deaf VR counselor, and her interpreter. It is shared with her clients by an assistant prior to her meeting them. Clients have a chance to look it over in the lobby while waiting for their appointment. Cat reports that since the implementation of this infographic, clients are less confused about the process of working with a Deaf counselor, and their first experience working with an interpreter tends to be much smoother.
Infographic courtesy of Cat Pearce. For permission to duplicate, please email
Want to learn more?
I love sharing information on consumer orientation, and I've created a 1.5 hour self-paced course for you! Learn more about:
Why consumer orientation is important
Who should take responsibility
How it can be done
Someone Should Say Something: Consumer Orientation 101
0.15 PS CEUs
Available now!